Pop Warner Football Age & Weight

Which Pop Warner Division will your child play in?

These tables will explain which Pop Warner division your child play in. If it's not clear you can reach out to your coach or send us an email to us using the address in the footer and we will do our best to help.

Ages and Division

Each league has the option on how to structure their division. An estimated 75% of youth football nationally follows an age-only structure but we've included additional options that have been used in the remaining leagues.

Pop Warner establishes a player's age for the season as "his or her age as of July 31st." Players are allowed to gain a pound a week to a maximum of 9 lbs for the season.

Age/Weight Division Age(s) Certification Weight End of Season Weight
Tiny-Mite 5,6,7 35-80 89
Mitey-Mite 7,8,9 45-105 114
Jr. Pee Wee 8,9,10 60-120 129
Pee Wee 9, 10, 11 75-135 144
Jr. Varsity 10, 11, 12 90-160 169
Varsity 12, 13, 14 105-185 194
Jr. Bantam 12, 13, 14 120-175 184
Bantam 13, 14, 15 135-190 199


These are for a small child who wants to play down.

Division Age Weight (lbs) End of Season (lbs)
Tiny-Mite None
Mitey-Mite None
JR. PEE WEE 11 60-100 109
PEE WEE 12 75-115 124
Jr. Varsity 13 90-140 149
Varsity 15 105-165 174
Jr. Bantam 15 120-155 164
Bantam 16 135-170 179

Purely Age Based 2022

Division Ages Birthdays
6 and under 5, 6 8/1/2015 - 7/31/2017
7 and under
6, 7
8/1/2014 – 7/31/2016
8 and under 7, 8 8/1/2013 - 7/31/2015
9 and under
7, 8, 9
8/1/2012 – 7/31/2015
10 and under 8, 9, 10 8/1/2011 - 7/31/2014
11 and under
9, 10, 11
8/1/2010 – 7/31/2013
12 and under 10, 11, 12 8/1/2009 - 7/31/2012
13 and under
11, 12, 13
8/1/2008 – 7/31/2011
14 and under 12, 13, 14 8/1/2007 - 7/31/2010

Flag Football Divisions

If your child is playing flag use this table to find the right enrollment division.

Division Age Range